The Role Models and How Storytelling has Impact!
The power of Nancy's story to transform and inspire is because she articulates the desire coming from within the grassroots itself. After being finally saved from the Knife in 2010 by a local West Pokot group called Abandon the Knife, Nancy made a public pledge that she would be an example of change. Since then she has encouraged many others to follow her. Even at school she begged her classmates to resist!
Like ripples from a stone thrown into water, each girl can impact other girls and as ripples join other ripples a movement for change becomes unstoppable. We believe the story of the transformation of both Nancy and her tribe can have a domino effect in the region and beyond, spreading the message and inspiring others to follow, girl by girl, village by village, tribe by tribe and beyond. Nancy A One Girl Revolution is about this change - one girl at a time. Leading to a girl revolution!
Storytelling is the most powerful tool to shift social norms within cultures with strong oral traditions. The use of tales of inspirational characters recounted through drama and song as tools for transformation and education is part of what makes us human. Nancy’s story is living proof that uncut girls do succeed! Her story can:
- Dismantle taboos to speaking out and break down the silence which hold these practices in place.
- Inspire opinion formers to speak out.
- Inspire role models and shift the social norms within the community.
- Inspire young girls and parents to know their legal rights to say no.
- Promote health education and knowledge so death from ‘cutting’ or complications in child birth are attributed to the real cause FGM - rather than superstitions such as being “cursed” or caused by “promiscuity"!
- Promote equality and education for girls, which empowers all.
- Demonstrate that uncut girls like Nancy are successful and happy!
- Prove men will marry uncut girls. (Men's support for abandonment is essential as shown in the film).
- Inform girls who want ‘the cut’ and have the knowledge to make an informed decision and know where to find help.
- Encourage Governments officials and local chiefs to stand firm.