Another ‘News clip’ from the edit! This time a glimpse of Bianca saying NO to FGM when Nancy received the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation Award for Courage, (previously awarded to Chinese dissident and artist Weiwei)
See clip of Bianca Jagger calling for a Girl Revolution. Wave cursor here https://vimeo.com/253364650
Bianca Jagger had seen a short extract of Nancy’s longer feature length story (in the process of being edited now) when UNFPA invited her to a screening supported by Steve Coogan and friends at the time of the Girl Summit in London, way back in 2014. She was particularly moved by a photograph of the genital wound which left just a tiny hole for urination and so in her speech awarding Nancy for her campaigning, she called for a ‘non violent girl revolution’.
I was reminded of this moment when I heard Oprah’s “A New Day Is On the Horizon” speech and her memorable words “What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.” (if you want to see the speech go to Nancy A One Girl Revolution’s Facebook page http://Nancy A One Girl Revolution – Home https://www.facebook.com/nancysgirlrev/
Please like our page too – it help us build awareness of Nancys story.
Oprah’s words resonated with me in particular because when I met Nancy in 2010 what inspired me to continue to follow her story was the immense courage she displayed in speak her own truth, and the impact I saw that having. Her desire for change seemed to come from a deep, innate inner wisdom that she dared to follow. I had not always been so brave, yet this barely educated girl in one of the remotest and most patriarchal tribes in Kenya was showing the way. By the time I had met her she had already suffered immense pressure, abuse and threats, so her ability to follow her own inner compass when surrounded by those who threatened her was astonishing. So few of her generation at that time did. Pokot women were not meant to be heard and it was particularly taboo to speak openly about the impacts of FGM. I remember being awed by this in 2010 and felt that because these challenges are universal to all women, it could resonate across the world. We are now both speaking for what we believe. That, in part at least, is a testimony to Nancy’s impact on me. For I am also part of the ‘one girl’ at a time revolution…in which all that are inspired by her become ambassadors for change. Please do watch the short clip, Love and thanks Sara